Handbook to Use the Portfolio Financial
Optimization Routine
The Portfolio Financial web-page is designed to be user-friendly.
To try the Portfolio Optimization solver, select from the main
page the option:
On that page you have the choice to select the industrial sectors in which you want to invest.
- Click on the name of the sector. A Java applet will show you its trend and a list of securities of the sector
maintained in the sytem. You may look at the trend of any security by clicking on its name.
- Click on the check button (if you like the sector) to select it;
- Press the button Submit to submit your query to the server.
The server will send you a page with several tables, one for every
selected industry, in which the names of the companies belonging to the sector are listed.
You can:
- Click on the name of the company to see its trend.
- Click on the check button to select it;
- Click on the check button next to the sector name to select all
securities in the sector;
- Select the level of risk you are willing to take;
- Select the time period for which the portfolio is to be
created. If you choose the first
day of the semester that precedes the current semester, then the program computes
an optimal portfolio using historical data up to that date, in other words,
no stock values after that date are considered.
- Press the button Solve Problem to submit your query to the server which will return you the optimal solution.
You may select as many securities as you wish.
Portfolio Problem
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