Performance Tips
- For optimal performance, download this JAR file and run "java GraphFrame" on your operating system command line. You will need the JDK 1.1 for the java executable. The JAR file will also need to be referenced in your CLASSPATH environment variable (on Windows type "set CLASSPATH=c:\temp\graal.jar", for example if the jar file is in "c:\temp"). Please see java documentation for more information on JAR files. If you cannot get this to work, rename the file to "" and use a zip utitlity to unzip the contents (Java class files). Then type "java GraphFrame" in the directory of the class files.
- Do not maximize the window to the full screen of your monitor. Keep the window as close to its original size. (640x480)
- NS 3.x is not a great JVM to run this applet with. Please download IE 3.x/4.0, or NS 4.0
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