- File
- Show Hide Cap show or hide the arc capacities
- Clear Graph: Resets the graph by clearing all the nodes
and arcs.
- Exit: Exits the applet window.
- Generation: Various graph node/arc generation algorithms. Length
of an arc is always the Euclidean distance between its extremities in the
10000x10000 grid. Graph construction only applies on the nodes that are
displayed in the applet window. The capacity of random value between 1
and 5 is assigned to each created arc.
- Kn: Generates a complete graph.
- Random Gn,p: Adds an arc between every pair of nodes
with a given probability.
- Geometric: Considers every pair of nodes and adds an
arc between them if their distance is less than some threshold.
- Triangulation: Creates a Delaunay traingulation of the
nodes. Note: This construction is rather slow!!
- Create Nodes: Creates a given number of nodes to the
grid. The nodes have a random location in the 10,000x10.000 grid. The graph
is reset.
- Maximum Flow Heuristics: The maximum flow algorithm generates
a flow of maximum value from a node called the source to a node called
the sink. The flow in each arc is limited to the arc capacity. We use the
famous max flow algorithm, called the augmenting path algorithm. At each
iteration, the algorithm attempts to find a path from the source to the
sink in the residual graph. The capacity of an arc in the residual graph
is the original arc capacity minus the flow assigned to this arc in previous
iterations. If a path from source to sink is found, a flow of maximum possible
value is sent through the path. The algorithm stops when no more such augmenting
path can be found.
The slow motion of the algorithm exhibits the augmenting paths one by
In order to run the maxflow algorithm
- Select "Maximum Flow" or "Maximum Flow in slow motion"
from the Heuristic menu
- First select the source and then the sink by clicking on them.
At the end, the algorithm displays
- In red the edges saturated by the maximum flow
- In blue the edges with some flow but not saturated
- In blue the nodes of the source set (reachable from the source in the
last residual graph).
Remark: Only if "slow motion" was selected.
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