RIOT -- The Weighted Minimum Cut Problem
Minimum/Maximum Cut Applet Instructions
Step 1
First, the number of nodes desired in the entire completed graph must
be selected from the pulldown menu at the top of the applet space.
The default is 5 nodes.
The number of nodes must be selected before any graph drawing is done.
This is necessary because upon selection the graph canvas is reset
and cleared, and any graph data is lost.
Step 2
Second, the nodes are placed on the graph canvas. This is done simply by
moving the mouse cursor to the desired location and clicking the mouse.
If nodes are placed incorrectly, or a different configuration is desired,
any node can be moved at any time by holding down the SHIFT key and
dragging the node to its new location.
Step 3
Third, the edges are placed on the graph canvas. This is done by placing
the mouse over the starting node and dragging the edge to any other node.
Note that nodes may still be moved even with edges connected to them by
holding down the SHIFT key and dragging the node to its new location. Also,
edges can be removed by first clicking on the edge to highlight it and then
pressing the DELETE key.
Step 4
Next, the weight of the edges is set by dragging the "weight" (small black
circle with a number next to it) along the edge until the desired value
appears next to the weight.
Step 5
Once the graph is complete, the graph data is then submitted to the RIOT
server by pressing the SUBMIT button at the bottom of the applet space.
The message Please Wait...our server is processing your submission
will appear until the completed solution returns. The solution will consist
of a set of GREEN nodes and a set of BLUE nodes. The minimum cut edges between
the two sets will be highlighted in RED.
That's all there is to it!
To see a graphical demo of these instructions, go to the
RIOT Weighted Minimum Cut Applet Demo page.
To try the applet out, go to the
RIOT Weighted Minimum Cut Applet.