RIOT -- NBA Playoff Races
Better than Magic Numbers!
For those new to the site, here's what we do:
RIOT provides users
exclusive data for each team, including:
- Number of additional games, if won, guarantees a first-place finish
- Number of additional games, if won, guarantees a playoff spot
- Number of games team must win to avoid elimination from first place
- Number of games team must win to avoid elimination from playoffs
These numbers are more informative than magic numbers, since they take into
account each team's remaining schedule of games. More
details about the numbers and the
method of their calculation are available.
Information is updated daily, so be sure to return every day. Click on
conference logos above to check out who's on the fast track for the playoffs,
and who's already done for the year.
Logos copyright National Basketball Association, 1996
This project is made possible by
Dorit S. Hochbaum's ONR
research grant N00014-91-J-1241.
[ Eastern Conference |
Western Conference |
Numbers Explanation |
Problem Explanation ]
© Copyright 1997
Dorit S. Hochbaum and Eli V. Olinick
Questions or comments? Send mail to Professor Hochbaum at