A linear program consists of a linear objective function
to be optimized and a set of linear constraints (inequations and/or equations).
The SIMPLEX method is a well known algorithm for solving linear programs.
(see V.Chvatal, Linear Programming, Freeman, 1983)
Once you have selected the number of variables and the
number of constraints, select the GO button to display the input
Fill the input grid with the coefficients of the objective
function and of each constraint. Also select the type of problem (minimization
or maximization) and the type (<=, >=, =) and the right hand side
constant of each constraint. The last line of the input grid contains
the upper-bound values of the variables.
- Solve delivers
the optimal solution.
- Tableau lets
you run the algorithm one iteration at a time.
- Random generates random coefficients, rhs, and
upper-bound values.
- Dual generates the dual problem. Because the applet
assumes that all variables are non-negative, no dual is generated if the
primal contains one or more equalities
Please send your remarks and comments to
Olivier Goldschmidt

Last Updated: Sep 23, 1998
© 1997-1998 Professor Dorit S.Hochbaum and Dr Olivier Goldschmidt,
All Rights Reserved Worldwide