From | To | Capacity |
Source | Sink | capacity |
Source | Not sink | capacity1 <= capacity2 <= capacity3 ... <= capacityk |
Not source | Sink | capacity1 >= capacity2 >= capacity3 ... >= capacityk |
Not source | Not sink | capacity |
This solver provides an implementation of the HPF algorithm to compute the minimum cut for a linear simple parametric flow/cut problem. The problem is discretized over a user-specified precision.
The updated repository can be found at [Github Repository] and a zip file is provided to download in: [Bounded-precision-simple-parametric]
The executable reads input from standard input in the following format:
c this is a comment
p max numNodes numArcs precision initParam endParam stepParam
n sourceID s
n sinkID t
a from_1 to_1 a_1 b_1
a from_m to_m a_m b_m
A makefile is provided. To compile into an executable just run the command